Thursday, April 27, 2006

Holy Thursday Batman.

I have been sick all week and really do not have much to say other than "being sick really fucking sucks". Yep, you can quote me on that.

The sucky part, other than being sick, so I guess I should say, the suckier part is...I am leaving for Florida today feeling like a junglebush in tight spandex sweating in the Amazon. For the first time ever I am not looking forward to going on vacation :( And I get to go on a boat and Im still not excited.

Allergies are like dingleberries...they go lurk right under the surface until your about to do some fun stuff. (Yep, I dated a guy who had some dingleberries now and again. I would rip on him on for that but I understand the pressures of pooping at work. I could feel his pain.)

Ok the meds are making me tarded again.

Have sweet weekends.


Vyvyan Basterd said...

"a junglebush in tight spandex sweating in the Amazon"

My metpahor interpretor must be malfunctioning. what?

Youwish said...

I feel like warm shit (?) is that better?

Vyvyan Basterd said...

nope, still not getting it. why is it warm?

Also, find me some terrible blogs to trash, I'm out of ideas. And don't say mine, that wouldn't be funny, that would be MEAN

frank said...

forget about her metaphors. she talked me into renouncing the white sox last week, and i haven't even gotten a handjob for it.

Vyvyan Basterd said...

She should have talked you into renouncing baseball, the dullest of all activities

frank said...

maybe you should go back to russia and be communist and watch soccer.

Youwish said...

Hi...Im back from Florida...did I miss anything?

I was warm because I had a fever.

Loz...Vyv finds some great blogs to trash on.

Vyvyan Basterd said...

and baseball is gay

frank said...

vyv is a nice read.

what you missed -- i'm a white sox fan again.

Vyvyan Basterd said...

interesting that courtesy of YW's refusal to comply to your demands, your favourite baseball team and ejaculatory receptacle have the same name.

frank said...

well done. although, i never issued any demands. i was promised sexual activity for cutting off the white sox.

Youwish said... I need to send you some pics to convince you otherwise???

frank said...

i think you might have to. it'd be a nice start. much better than the nothing i've gotten so far....