Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Happy 50th Post

Proof that two of my favorite people can coexist without a crazy throwdown. Meet my ninjrate or my pirja. Whatever you would like to call it.

And FYI:
He is my third favorite person and my soon-to-be fuckbuddy.

Just sayin. Word.


da buttah said...

is it bad that whenever i see a midget i have this urge to just..toss him?

oh, and uhh i'm a darky so i don't ever burn; however, the shit they use the tanning beds makes most people itchy as all fucking you're gonna fake bake regularly...bring a water bottle and wipe it down a bit. also makes you tan more evenly since there's no build up.

Vyvyan Basterd said...

dammit, that was the exact advice I was going to give. thanks for stealing my thunder

frank said...

i knew i could never attract you in a real world situation.

frank said...

in regards to your comment on my blog, dear yw, we can still totally do it. as soon as the cubs are out of it in may, it'll be sex all the time for us.